
The items below are the online outcomes from some of the modules I completed as part of a MSc in elearning begun in September 2006, completed in September 2009 and studied part-time, online with the University of Edinburgh's School of Education.

Introduction to Digital Environments for Learning

The Teaching Game
Final assignment web-essay on the nature of current educational uses of Second Life. Outcome realised as a structure in three dimensional form within Second Life. Also available as an online site with images of the Second Life structure viewable in flickr.

Introduction to Digital Game-Based Learning

Game Report
Review of urban game Quoto and assessment of how it could be modified to form the basis of a learning activity appropriate to my teaching context.
Google Earth Environment Game
Result of a challenge to design a game that could be played with Google Earth.
Tomorrow Calling
Joint project outcome with fellow student. Tomorrow Calling is an Alternate Reality Game using a wide range of online media, conceived to draw in teenage players, present them with a view of the future of the planet and encourage them to become involved in positive environmental action. Won the first Digital Earth Grand Challenge at the Fifth International Symposium on Digital Earth at Berkeley, California in June 2007.

Online Assessment

CSS Quiz
Simple quiz to support teaching of CSS.
Illustrator Quiz
Online quiz made using Hot Potatoes software. Conceived to support students in the early stages of learning to use the Adobe Illustrator application. A significant challenge involved altering the initial visual form of the quiz output to better suit the context.

Effective Course Design for Elearning

Using a Blog to Think
A learning activity devised to encourage design students to examine the effectiveness of blogging as a tool for reflection on their practice. In the process of the task students would also develop some competence in the use of social bookmarking tool
Usability Evaluation
A demonstration of the technique of using 'personas' to test the usability of a web environment for a variety of typical users.
Architectural Design and Virtual Worlds
Site devised to support a proposed 20-30 credit, Stage 2 undergraduate, course unit, introducing architecture students to working with real client briefs and the design possibilities of virtual worlds.