The contents of the game are detailed below.

At each stage the player receives or finds an artifact, deciphers a code or conducts a search which results in revealing instructions that lead to the following stage.

The links that bind the gameplay together are fully implemented and all the artifacts, although not fully realised in every case, are in place.

To view all of the material you will need both the Quicktime Player and the Adobe Flash Player installed in your browser.

Firefox 2

Stage Instructions Files
'The Rabbit Hole' First email invites player to enter 'game'.

'A future relative is trying to get in touch with you.
Please go to and listen to the message there.
Use 027391 as your username and wk3zU2 as the password to access.'
TKP (I) Enter user name and password.
Listen to message and decipher code hidden in audio track.
This will provide address of next site.
'After the Sunshine' Find coded message hidden in website.
Return to TKP site for second audio message using message as source of new user name and password.
TKP (II) Listen to second message.
Receive instruction to 'find Bindu's Blog'.
Search Search for 'Bindu's Blog' Google
Bindu's Blog Search blog to find link to Gaia Force website. blog
Resistance website Search site to find hidden messages containing information about Gaia Force and further instructions.

Bindu has gone missing and Cameron Macleod (the resistance leader) wants you to find her location and pass this information on to her brother Salvador who will know what to do with it.

Download Bindu's Travelog KMZ file.

Additionally instructed to go to WENCON site and download file there as well, in order to obtain further info.

(or download KMZ file directly)
WENCON (I) Download WENCON successful project KMZ file from front page of site. website

(or download KMZ file directly)
Successes Open WENCON.kmz file in Google Earth and find code contained in captions.
Code provides information to access anti-resistance pages of WENCON site.
Google Earth
WENCON (II) Find ARU pages on WENCON site and gain access with code.

Use annafitch as the user name and startnow as the password.

This strand of the game pauses here.
Bindu's Travelog Open Travelog.kmz file in Google Earth and find code contained in captions.
Code provides information to find location in Google Earth where there is a message to pass on to Salvador.
Google Earth
Email Salvador Send message found in Google Earth to Salvador. email
Salvador Emails Salvador thanks you for helping him locate Bindu.
He gives you location of video showing them meeting up.
email 2a
email 2b
Bindu and Salvador View CCTV video clip (at Salvador's MySpace site) of Bindu and Salvador meeting.
Cameron Emails Cameron says there is no sign of Bindu. Can you let him know if you hear anything about her whereabouts. email
Stranger emails Someone you do not know sends you an email.

They say that they are a friend of Bindu who had planned to meet up with her and Salvador but when they got to the pre-arranged spot there was no one around. But they did pick up a piece of paper with your email address on it and a few words.

'ARU dot before home'

'Do you know what this means?
WENCON (III) Visit ARU page and find hidden KMZ file.


(or download KMZ file directly)
Secret Files Open secret_files.kmz file in Google Earth and find code contained in captions.
Code provides information to access video vault section of ARU pages of WENCON site.
Google Earth
WENCON (IV) Gain access to video vault on WENCON site.

Use annafitch as user name and Chad as password.
Bindu betrayed View complete CCTV video clip of Bindu and Salvador's meeting. video
Email Cameron Send message to Cameron explaining what happened to Bindu. email
Cameron Emails Cameron says that he and Bindu suspected that Salvador might be a WENCON agent and now video and note from Bindu proves this.

He explains that he needs people to help the resistance cause and to send him email addresses of people who might like to receive the original message from TKP. He will contact Kendra with their details who will try to find their future relative.
Post photos Cameron requests that you post evidence of 'environmental action' (recycling, planting a tree, riding a bike etc.) to the Gaia Force flickr group. When enough people have posted, you will be contacted about next stage - Rescue Bindu, defeat the Government, Save the planet etc.

End of Episode 1
  © Jim Wolff & Andrew Sides 2007