
The websites in this section are/were used to support students in all aspects of their studies from individual learning activities to projects and beyond. Unless otherwise stated I conceived, designed and built all below.

London Project
Site used to coordinate outcome of BAADE Stage 1 Unit 2 PPD project. Students were required to submit online report in blog form and peer assess the work of their colleagues.
Media Practice blog
Blog for Media Practice subject area within BAADE course. Left unfinished (only animation and photography sections have content) due to change in course requirements for the subject and concentration of online resources on the BAADE portal above. Based on open source Textpattern blog engine.
Media Pathway portal
Site used as online hub for Stage 3 students, following the Media Pathway, on the BA (Hons) Arts and Design course. The final cohort completing their studies in June 2005. Main page was updated weekly to incorporate latest news and instructions. Site included forum, large collection of media related links and details of course procedures.
Great French Writers
Example site used for teaching XHTML and CSS web design.
First year portrait projects
Two Flash-based sites hosting portraits and work by stage one students in the first two cohorts of the then new BA (Hons) Arts, Design and Environment course from June 2004 and 2005.