Write Report

The individual part of the Unit 2 PPD London Project requires that you write an evaluative report. This is to be done using Blogger.

The report, of 400-500 words, should feature the resource example that you researched as part of the game design task, and how this contributed to your group’s game. You should look back at how you worked as an individual in this task, what was effective and what you would do differently if you did it again. This report is to be completed by midnight of the 20th November.

It is essential that this report has a correctly formatted bibliography.

Read Three Other Reports

Find your name in the list of reports and then read the reports of the three students that follow your name in this list. If your name is at the end of the list then read the reports at the beginning of the list.

Assess Reports

You will then assess the three reports you have read.

Use the assessment criteria as guidance on how to mark the work.

For each of the three learning outcomes for this part of the unit you should give a mark out of one hundred.

For example:
Wendy Smith
(learning outcome 8) 55%,
(learning outcome 9) 47%,
(learning outcome 10) 62%

Send Completed Assessments

You should email these marks to Andrew at his gmail account either by writing them in the text of the email or by downloading the Word format form, completing it and attaching it to the email. This should be completed by midnight on Thursday 22nd November.

Project Documents

You can download the original Unit 2 Project Brief (Word format) for reference if necessary.

You can also download the form (Word format) that you can use to complete the assessment of the Evaluative Reports.