
It is a vital part of your practice as a designer to develop the ability to think back on the process of your learning and consider what has gone well or badly, how this came about and what could be modified in future to change the outcome. This may appear to an obvious and instinctive thing to do - for most people - with the assessment usually taking place subconsciously. However this exercise is designed to get you to consider one way of making this kind of thinking visible.

To complete this task you will need to find some student-written blogs that demonstrate that the student writer has been looking back over their design and learning process and considering what has happened and how they can alter their approach in future. This type of thinking we call reflection.

You will need to tag the blogs you find, adding some notes that explain what you found particularly significant about each and then share your results with me and your peers.

Learning Outcome

On completion of this learning event it is anticipated that you will appreciate the potential of using a blog to reflect critically on your learning.

Visit and
set up an account

If you have a account then skip to the next step. is a social bookmarking site where users share websites they find with others with similar interests. Creating an account is straightforward and you can add a plug-in to your browser that makes it very easy to mark sites as you visit them.

This video offers an explanation of Social Bookmarking and in particular.

Add andrewsides
to your network

Part of the social aspect of is the ability to mark sites and then add them to the collections of other users in your "network". Select the "your network" link at the top of your main page and add the user "andrewsides" to your network. When you bookmark pages you will now have the option to add the bookmark to my collection. You can of course add as many users as you like to your network.

Find some
reflective blogs

This is the difficult bit. You need to find blog postings written by students in Art & Design where there is good evidence of reflective thinking taking place. Where do you look? You could try googling of course but it might be better to look for colleges of Art & Design and hunt through their student work or you could even look for appropriate tags in

For the purposes of this learning event four different examples will be sufficient.

Add them to your account

When you've found a good example of a reflective blog posting then add it to During this process you will have the opportunity to change the title of the page, tag it and add some notes. Tags are useful when it comes to finding the bookmark again so you should choose words that fit the content. For this learning exercise you must add the word (tag) LEreflectblog to each of your blog bookmarks.

The notes panel is the place for you to add your comments on the page you are marking. Take this opportunity to say what it is about this particular blog posting that makes it good example of reflective thinking. This is an essential part of the learning exercise. There is a very limited space to do this (255 characters) so choose your words carefully.

Share them
with andrewsides

Just before you save the bookmark click on "andrewsides" and anyone else in "your network" you think might like to see it.

Subscribe to the
LEreflectblog tag

To see examples of blogs found by other students engaged in this task "subscribe" to the "LEreflectblog" tag by using the "subscriptions" link at the top of your main page.