Panoramas on this site are composed of multiple individual photographs taken with a digital SLR camera, tripod, special head (Panosaurus) and then stitched together using a dedicated software package (Stitcher).
This software can output the panorama as a single image (cylindrical image) or an interactive 'movie' file (QTVR) that allows you to 'look' around the space represented by the images. To view this movie format you need to have the Quicktime plugin installed.
Stage 1 Exhibition
BA (Hons) Architecture: Spaces and Objects stage 1 end of year Pop-Up Exhibition 2010.
Degree Show 2010
BA (Hons) Arts, Design and Environment Degree Show 2010.
Degree Show 2009
BA (Hons) Arts, Design and Environment Degree Show 2009.
Degree Show 2008
BA (Hons) Arts, Design and Environment Degree Show 2008.
Media Practice
Demonstrations from college classes.
Central Saint Martins
Southampton Row interiors.
Panoramas from Italy.
From college trip to Bucharest, using a handheld camera.